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Why Pure PT and Wellness, LLC?

Pure PT and Wellness, LLC is a concierge physical therapy clinic providing care in Tampa, FL since 2016. We specialize in helping patients through their pregnancy and 4th trimester/postpartum period. We also treat all orthopedic conditions including chronic back, neck, shoulder, hip, knee or foot pain.

“I am passionate about helping moms before, during and after birth. I aim to improve postpartum healing, bridge the gap between giving birth and return to fitness, and help people get out of pain while regaining their health and happiness. Over the years, I've learned there is no magic pill, one size fits all treatment or protocol to healing. Every patient is different, and these differences call for skilled diagnosis, individualized treatment, and the ability to adapt.​

I combine current research, manual therapy (including JFB MFR), therapeutic exercise programs, patient education and self-advocacy to optimize your recovery.  My one-on-one approach to providing adaptable care based on your needs will efficiently get you to your goals."

Dr. Elaine is the founder and owner of Pure PT and Wellness, a concierge physical therapy clinic specializing in treating pregnant, 4th trimester and postpartum women at any stage of recovery in addition to orthopedic pain and strains.  She has an extensive history of treating orthopedic injuries, but redirected her focus on treating pregnant and postpartum moms after realizing the need for this underserved population. Her passion for helping new moms before, during and after birth deepened after having her own child, 5 weeks premature, via emergent c-section. Experiencing first hand the lack of support, education or resources during a fragile time period for a new mom, fueled her desire even more.  


Dr. Elaine uses a whole-body approach to assess pregnancy-related changes and adaptations in order to provide appropriate guidance for a pain-free pregnancy. Labor and delivery preparation aims to prepare pelvis, hips, core and pelvic floor for a smooth labor and delivery. During the 4th trimester, care focuses on recovery, healing and thriving after giving birth. Using safe and effective methods, she helps moms return to activities they love (running, gym, yoga, Pilates, household chores, caring for kids, tennis) without pain, fear, doubt, or leaking.

I look forward to starting a healing journey with you and regain health, fitness and happiness.


Elaine James PT, DPT, ATC

Orthopedic and Women's Health Expert

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